Helping Municipalities Solve The Immigration Crisis

Empowering Economic Development Through AI-Powered Employment Solutions

Partner with Us for a Brighter Future

Story Samurai AI’s mission is to drive economic development and create thriving communities. Together, we reduce unemployment, increase tax revenue, and enhance community well-being.

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Increasing Immigrant Influx and Chronic Unemployment Are Growing Concerns in Cities Across America


High Unemployment Rates

Unemployment can lead to increased social service costs and decreased tax revenue, putting a strain on government resources


Economic Instability

High unemployment rates can destabilize local economies, reducing consumer spending and slowing economic growth


Community Impacts

Unemployment negatively impacts community morale and productivity, leading to lower overall happiness and social cohesion

Transforming Job Searches with AI-Powered Precision - Connecting Talent with Opportunities Faster and Smarter


Comprehensive Job Search Support

We match job seekers with open positions, helping the deserving find meaningful employment and helping local businesses continue to grow and thrive


Data-Driven Insights

Our advanced analytics tools offer valuable insights into local labor market trends, helping make informed decisions to drive economic growth


Stakeholder Engagement

We facilitate effective communication and collaboration among businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations to create a cohesive economic development strategy

Transforming Job Searches with AI-Powered Precision - Connecting Talent with Opportunities Faster and Smarter


Comprehensive Job Search Support

We match job seekers with open positions, helping the deserving find meaningful employment and helping local businesses continue to grow and thrive


Data-Driven Insights

Our advanced analytics tools offer valuable insights into local labor market trends, helping make informed decisions to drive economic growth


Stakeholder Engagement

We facilitate effective communication and collaboration among businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations to create a cohesive economic development strategy



"The support provided during my job transition was incredibly helpful. They truly cared and made a significant difference in finding new opportunities.”
Joy Sinclair


How does this increase tax revenue?

When more people are employed, they contribute to the economy through income taxes. Increased spending on local goods and services generates further sales tax revenue.

Is this safe?

We use state-of-the-art identification and domestic and international background checks to ensure that each applicant is who they say they are, with no criminal history.

How do you promote community happiness?

Employment provides individuals with a sense of purpose and financial stability, improving their overall well-being and happiness, so they’re more likely to engage in and support their local community.

We offer personalized support in showcasing their skills and experience effectively, plus personal guidance from our career coaches, all leveraging our AI technology to match them with all possible job opportunities

Story Samurai AI Helps Immigrants Get Jobs Faster, Cheaper, Better


Resume Building

Craft compelling resumes that highlight each person’s skills and experiences


Job Matching

Use AI technology to pair job seekers with suitable job opportunities


Career Coaching

Personalized guidance to set and achieve career goals


Certified Identity

All clients receive a 9-step identification and background certification to increase confidence of potential employers

How It Works - Simple 3-Step Process


Personalized Service

Quick and easy intake by trained HR professionals with multi-lingual, multi-cultural experience


Al-Powered Automation

Automatically scan job boards and private placements to match work experience, skills and personality


Accelerate Jobs

Full automation and personal support results in more opportunities, smooth integration into workforce, and higher employment

By Aggressively Helping Immigrants to Reduce Unemployment, NYC Can Make Massive Economic and Social Gains, and Be a Model for Other Cities Around the World


Reduced Unemployment

By helping individuals find jobs faster, we increase the person’s self-worth and happiness, contributing to a more stable and prosperous community

Increased-Tax Revenue

Increased Tax Revenue

More employed individuals mean higher income tax contributions and increased consumer spending, boosting local tax revenue


Enhanced Community Productivity and Happiness

Employment provides financial stability and a sense of purpose, improving overall community well-being and productivity


Socially Conscious and Morally Correct

Helping deserving individuals to find employment is the right thing to do. Our immigrants’ food, culture, tastes… all contribute to the fabric of NYC

© Story Samurai AI